Looking for Flight Lieutenant Tom Martin?

Looking for Flight Lieutenant Tom Martin who was in Course 35 at No. 51 O.T.U. in Cranfield?


And then with RAF 68 Squadron…

Tom Martin

collection Flight Lieutenant John Kelly U.S. Navy

Kelly and Martin

collection Flight Lieutenant John Kelly U.S. Navy

Kelly Martin back

collection Flight Lieutenant John Kelly U.S. Navy

Tom Martin back

collection Flight Lieutenant John Kelly U.S. Navy

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More amazing detective work… Really?

I am just curious and then I share what I have found.

My good friend John commented with this

More amazing detective work, as usual. And also, “as usual”, I was so saddened to see just how young Ensign Grinndal was. So, so sad.

This is what I replied…

This story is not by all means over John.
It first started in 2010 with my quest for Eugène Gagnon, a Mosquito pilot with 23 Squadron.
My blogs are not meant to be read, but found like Gunnar Kelly did two weeks ago.
Then when people want to share their little bit of history, I start writing about it because I know that down the line someone will find a lost loved one.
That’s my mission John, and I know you feel the same way just by reading your blog.

As a footnote I just found the reference about 68 Squadron I was looking for here.

RAF 68 Squadron